A period lasts for more than 7 days & if bleeding is extensively heavy. Some of the remedies in home can help reduce the bleeding and can also help in managing other symptoms.

What causes heavy menstrual bleeding?

  • Hormone imbalances
  • Non-cancerous growths in your uterus
  • Cancerous growths in your uterus
  • Infection
  • Pregnancy complications
  • Other medical conditions


The treatment you receive will depend on the cause of your bleeding and its severity. Your doctor will also consider things like your age, general health and medical history, how well you respond to certain medications, procedures or therapies, and your wants and needs. For example, some women want to know when they can usually expect their period, some do not want to have their periods and still some of them just want to reduce the amount of bleeding. Some women may still desire to have children in the future. Others want to relieve pain rather than reduce the amount of bleeding. Some treatments are on-going, others are one-time. The one should discuss all the options with the doctor to decide which is best for you. Most common treatments list is below:

  • For some people, the doctor may also recommend medications or surgery.
  • Herbal remedies

The following remedies may reduce the duration of your period and severe blood loss:

  • ginger capsules
  • myrtle fruit syrup
  • pomegranate flower capsules

However, more medical proof is necessary, and the researchers called for further trials to confirm their findings.


Doctors recommend medication to many people who suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding. There are several options that can help with pain, cramps, and heavy bleeding:

  • Ibuprofen (Advil) relieves pain, cramps and also slows down the bleeding.
  • Birth control pills will help make periods periodic.
  • An intrauterine device (IUD) is implanted in the uterus to control bleeding and prevent pregnancy by releasing medication.
  • Hormone therapies, including estrogen or progesterone, will help reduce bleeding and will also regulate menstruation.
  • Desmopressin nasal spray releases a clotting protein that prevents blood clots from dissolving, which can reduce bleeding.
  • Antifibrinolytic medications such as tranexamic acid may also reduce bleeding by preventing blood clots from dissolving.

If your period is so heavy that you quickly soak pads or tampons – or if you need to use multiple protectants – there are things you can do to relieve bleeding.

You may be able to relieve your symptoms and get your cycle back on track simply by making a few changes to your diet. In some cases, getting enough rest and taking over-the-counter pain relievers (OTC) may also help.
If you don’t notice a change within the next one to two cycles, you should make an appointment with your doctor. One canconsultthe doctor in case:

  • have blood clots the size of a quarter or more in your period
  • bleeding between periods are very tired or short of breath